Be Agile Remotely is a book I wrote in 2016 to promote remote working in agile organizations. In the beginning of my career as an agile coach (around 2010), I felt so alone in bringing agility to remote teams. I was the first person who openly and publicly challenge the premise of collocation and face-to-face conversations as a requirement to business agility and team performance. I worked in dozens of organizations and teams and experimented a lot of “crazy” ideas to help remote teams reach high performance while following the values and principles of agile (well, except for face-to-face communication of course).
This book is a collection of my learnings, my experiments and the ideas and models I have developed over a decade of working in agile distributed organizations. It is an inspirational and practical guide for you who is a leader or agile coach in a distributed company that builds software products and services using agile and lean practices. It is not a how-to book! But I believe the ideas in this book have the power to change your mindset and inspire you to become more pragmatic and innovate in how you communicate and collaborate in your remote teams.
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The stories and examples I have used in the book are proven techniques that I have used in the real world scenarios. In many cases I have included various scenarios and situations so you can see the different ways of applying a method. The examples are taken from my own experience, and the theories are all well researched and referenced.
In summary, I can guarantee that this ebook is completely BS-free.
I believe in understanding why we do what we do. Therefore I have provided the thinking and reasoning behind everything that is described. Why it works, how it works and what you can do if your situation is different in one way or another. You can also find some of the theories that have helped me coach teams and individuals in distributed organizations.
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